Can you send BNB to MetaMask?
If you're using MetaMask, you can now send BNB to your friends and family with just a few clicks! No need to worry about losing any BNB, as MetaMask will automatically convert it to the correct currency.
How to Send Binance Coin (BNB) to MetaMask
There is no specific way to send Binance Coin (BNB) to MetaMask. Any cryptocurrency wallet that supports sending and receiving cryptocurrencies should be able to do so.
3 Steps to Sending Binance Coin (BNB) to MetaMask
1. Open MetaMask and sign in.
2. Click on the three lines in the top left corner of the screen.
3. On the “Addresses” tab, click on the “+” icon and add a new Binance address.
4. Copy the Binance address and paste it into the “To Address” field in MetaMask.
5. In the “Amount” field, enter the amount of BNB you want to send to your MetaMask account.
6. Click on the “Send” button.
7. If you have chosen to keep your BNB in MetaMask, you will now need to wait for the transaction to be confirmed. This could take a few minutes depending on the speed of your blockchain network.
How to Use MetaMask to Send Binance Coin (BNB)
MetaMask is a browser extension that allows you to send and receive cryptocurrencies like Binance Coin (BNB).
To send BNB using MetaMask:
1. Open MetaMask.
2. Click the three lines in the top left corner of the extension.
3. Select "Send."
4. In the "To" field, enter the address of the recipient.
5. In the "Amount" field, enter the amount of BNB you want to send.
6. Click "Send."
7. The recipient should now receive the BNB you sent them.
![The Easiest Way to Send Binanc](/images/1267/can-you-send-bnb-to-metamask3.jpg)
The Easiest Way to Send Binance Coin (BNB) to MetaMask
1. Open MetaMask and log in.
2. Click on the three lines in the top left corner of the screen.
3. Under "Tools," select "Binance Coin."
4. On the "Send Binance Coin" screen, enter the recipient's address and click "Send."
![How to Transfer Binance Coin (](/images/1267/can-you-send-bnb-to-metamask0.jpg)
How to Transfer Binance Coin (BNB) to MetaMask
To transfer Binance Coin (BNB) to MetaMask, follow these steps:
1. Open MetaMask and click on the three lines in the top right corner.
2. In the "Addresses" section, select "Send."
3. In the "To" section, paste in the address of the Binance Coin (BNB) wallet you want to send from.
4. In the "Amount" section, paste in the amount of BNB you want to send.
5. Click "Send."
6. Once the transfer is complete, you'll see a notification in your MetaMask wallet.
How to Send Binance Coin (BNB) From One Wallet to Another
There are a few ways to send Binance Coin (BNB) from one wallet to another. Below are instructions for sending BNB from MyEtherWallet to
1) Open MyEtherWallet and create a new account.
2) Under "Accounts", select the account you would like to send BNB to.
3) Under "Send Ether & Tokens", click on "Add Custom Token".
4) Under "Token Contract Address", paste in the BNB address.
5) Under "Token Symbol", paste in BNB.
6) Under "Decimals", set the number of decimals to 18.
7) Click on "Save".
8) Under "Token Balances", click on the "Add Custom Token" button again.
9) Under "Token Contract Address", paste in the address.
10) Under "Token Symbol", paste in BNB.
11) Under "Decimals", set the number of decimals to 18.
12) Click on "Save".
13) Under "Token Balances", click on the "Send" button.
14) On the "Input Data" page, enter the amount of BNB you want to send.
15) On the "Output Data" page, confirm the Gas Price and Gas Limit values.
16) Click on the "Send Transaction" button.
17) Your transaction will be processed and you will receive a confirmation message.
How to Move Binance Coin (BNB) to MetaMask
1. Open MetaMask and click on the three lines in the top right corner.
2. On the left side, select Add Custom Token.
3. In the Token Details field, enter BNB and click OK.
4. On the right side, select My Tokens.
5. Under Binance Coin (BNB), select Deposit and then Copy Address.
6. Open your wallet on Binance and send BNB to the address you copied in Step 5.
![How to add Binance Coin (BNB)](/images/1267/can-you-send-bnb-to-metamask6.jpg)
How to add Binance Coin (BNB) to your MetaMask wallet
1. Open MetaMask
2. Click the three lines in the top left corner to open the Settings menu.
3. Under the "Token Balances" tab, click the + button to add a new token.
4. Type Binance Coin (BNB) in the "Token Symbol" field and click the OK button.
5. Click the three lines in the top left corner to close the Settings menu.
6. In the main MetaMask window, click the three lines in the top left corner to open the Wallet menu.
7. Under the "Token Balances" tab, click the BNB button to add BNB to your wallet.
8. To view your BNB balance, click the BNB button again and then click the Balance link.