How to swap BNB to Ethereum on Trust Wallet.

This guide will show you how to swap BNB to Ethereum on Trust Wallet. Trust Wallet is a mobile wallet that supports a variety of cryptocurrencies, including Binance Coin (BNB) and Ethereum (ETH). With Trust Wallet, you can easily and securely swap between BNB and ETH without having to use a centralized exchange.

- How to swap BNB to Ethereum on Trust Wallet

1. Open the Trust Wallet app and click on the three lines in the top left corner.

2. Under "accounts," click on the "Binance" account.

3. Under "widgets," click on the "Swap" widget.

4. Enter the amount of Ethereum you would like to swap and click on the "Swap" button.

5. After the swap is complete, your BNB will be deposited into your Ethereum account.

- How to convert BNB to ETH on Trust Wallet

1. First, open the Trust Wallet app and click on the "Convert" button located in the top left corner of the main screen.

2. On the next screen, type in the BNB address you want to convert to ETH and click on the "Convert" button.

3. After the conversion is complete, you will be able to see the new ETH address in the main screen of the Trust Wallet app.

- How to change BNB to ETH on Trust Wallet

To change BNB to ETH on the Trust Wallet, follow these steps:

1. Open the Trust Wallet app and click on the "Send" button.

2. Paste in the BNB address you would like to convert to ETH and click on the "Send" button.

3. Select the ETH wallet address you want to send the ETH to and click on the "Send" button.

- How to exchange BNB for ETH

- How to exchange BNB for ETH on Trust Wallet

1. Launch the Trust Wallet app.

2. Tap the "Exchange" tab.

3. Select "Binance" from the list of exchanges.

4. Enter your BNB address and click "OK."

5. Select "ETH" from the list of cryptocurrencies and enter your Ethereum address.

6. Click "OK."

7. View your exchange results.

- How to trade BNB for ETH on

- How to trade BNB for ETH on Trust Wallet

1. Open Trust Wallet and sign in.

2. Click on the "Binance" tab at the top of the screen.

3. On the Binance page, click on the "Basic" button in the top left corner.

4. Under the "Exchange" section, find "ETH/BNB" and click on it.

5. On the ETH/BNB page, you will see the current trade value for BNB and ETH. Click on the "Binance" button next to the "ETH/BNB" trade value to open the Binance trade window.

6. Type in the amount of ETH you want to trade in the "Amount" box and the amount of BNB you want to trade in the "Binance" box. Click on the "Trade" button.

7. After your trade is completed, you will receive a notification in the "Trades" section of your Trust Wallet.

- How to get ETH from BNB on Trust Wallet

First, open the Trust Wallet app and create a new account. Next, click on the “ETH” tab and click on the “Withdraw” button. On the next screen, enter your BNB address and click on the “Submit” button. Finally, wait for the Ethereum withdrawal to be processed.

- How to acquire ETH from BNB on Trust Wallet

To acquire Ethereum from BNB on the Trust Wallet, follow these steps:

1. Open the Trust Wallet and click on the "Send" button located in the top left corner.

2. In the "To" field, type "BNB" and in the "Amount" field, type the amount of Ethereum you want to send.

3. Click on the "Send" button to finalize your transaction.

Comments (4):

I just tried to do this on my trust mobile wallet and it wouldn't let me!
I just tried to do this on my trust mobile wallet and it wouldn't let me!
Jacob O'Brien
Jacob O'Brien
I just tried to do this on my trust mobile wallet and it wouldn't let me!
I just tried to do this on my trust mobile wallet and it wouldn't let me!

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