Transfer Cro To Metamask

This article covers how to transfer your (CRO) tokens from an exchange to your Metamask wallet. You will need to have your Metamask wallet set up and connected to the exchange in order to do this.

How to transfer CRO from Coinbase to MetaMask

1. On Coinbase, open the "Accounts" page.

2. Under "Coinbase Wallet," find and select "Send".

3. In the "To Address" field, enter the address of your MetaMask account.

4. In the "Amount" field, enter the amount of CRO you want to send.

5. Click "Send".

6. On MetaMask, open the "My Wallet" page.

7. Under the "Wallets" tab, find and select "Coinbase".

8. Under the "Deposits" tab, find and select "Send".

9. In the "To Address" field, enter the address of your Coinbase account.

10. In the "Amount" field, enter the amount of CRO you want to send.

11. Click "Send".

How to add CRO to your MetaMask wallet

1. Log in to your MetaMask wallet

2. Click the three lines in the top left corner of the window

3. Click the "Add Custom Token" button

4. Enter the following information into the "Token Name" field:


5. Click the "Add Custom Token" button

6. Click on the "Configure" button

7. Under the "Configure" tab, click on the "Gas Price" field and enter 0.00001 ETH

8. Under the "Configure" tab, click on the "Decimals" field and enter 18

9. Click on the "Save" button

10. Click on the "Close" button

How to use MetaMask to store your CRO tokens

To store your CRO tokens using MetaMask, follow these steps:

1. Open the MetaMask browser extension.

2. Click the "Add Custom Token" button on the left side of the MetaMask window.

3. Type "cro" in the "Token Name" field and "0x1bcd4e8f" in the "Token Symbol" field.

4. Click the "Save" button.

5. In the "My Tokens" section of the MetaMask window, click the "Import Custom Token" button.

6. Browse to the "cro" token you created in step 3 and click the "Import" button.

7. In the "My Tokens" section of the MetaMask window, your Cro tokens will be displayed under the "Cro" heading.

What is MetaMask and how does it work?

MetaMask is a browser extension that allows you to interact with the blockchain. When you install MetaMask, it creates a personal account on the blockchain. This account contains your private key, which allows you to interact with the blockchain.

How to create a MetaMask wallet

You can create a MetaMask wallet by visiting the MetaMask website and clicking on the “Create a new wallet” button.

Once you have clicked on the “Create a new wallet” button, you will be directed to a new page where you will be required to enter your personal information.

You will need to enter your name, email address, and a password. After you have entered your personal information, you will be asked to verify your email address. Once you have verified your email address, you will be able to continue.

On the next page, you will be asked to select a password. After you have selected a password, you will be asked to confirm your password.

After you have entered your personal information and confirmed your password, you will be able to create your MetaMask wallet.

How to secure your MetaMask wallet

There are a few ways you can secure your MetaMask wallet.

Comments (5):

Richard O'Kelly
Richard O'Kelly
I transferred my CRO tokens from Binance to Metamask and they're working correctly in my wallet.
I transferred my CRO tokens from Binance to Metamask and they showed up in my wallet but they're not working.
I transferred my CRO tokens from Binance to Metamask and they didn't show up in my wallet.
Robert O'Sullivan
Robert O'Sullivan
I transferred my CRO tokens from Binance to Metamask and they're not showing up in my wallet even though they're showing up in my exchange account.
I transferred my CRO tokens from Binance to Metamask and they're showing up in my wallet but they're not working correctly.

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