How to transfer BNB to SafeMoon on Trust Wallet.
If you're looking to transfer your BNB tokens to the new SafeMoon protocol, you can do so easily using Trust Wallet. In this article, we'll show you how to make the transfer in just a few simple steps.
How to transfer BNB to SafeMoon on Trust Wallet
1. Open the Trust Wallet app on your device.
2. Click on the "Send" button in the main navigation bar.
3. Select the BNB token from the list of cryptocurrencies that you want to transfer.
4. Enter the amount of BNB that you want to send to SafeMoon.
5. Click on the "Next" button.
6. Confirm the transaction details.
7. Click on the "Send" button.
How to use Trust Wallet to send BNB to SafeMoon
Step 1: Open Trust Wallet and connect to the SafeMoon network.
Step 2: Select the BNB token from the list of tokens on the left.
Step 3: Enter the amount of BNB you want to send to SafeMoon.
Step 4: Click the "SEND" button.
Step 5: Verify the transaction details and click the "CONFIRM" button.
How to move BNB from Trust Wallet to SafeMoon
To move BNB from Trust Wallet to SafeMoon:
1. Open the Trust Wallet app and click on the "Binance" button in the top left corner.
2. On the Binance main page, click on the "Exchange" button in the top right corner.
3. On the Exchange page, click on the "Basic" tab and then click on the "Balances" button.
4. In the "Balances" page, select the "BNB" token and then click on the "Withdraw" button.
5. Enter your BNB address and password and then click on the "Withdraw" button.
6. To confirm the withdrawal, please wait a few minutes and then click on the "Confirm" button.

Sending BNB from Trust Wallet to SafeMoon
To send BNB from Trust Wallet to SafeMoon, first open Trust Wallet and click the three lines in the top right corner to open the menu. Then, under "Accounts," select "Send."
On the Send dialog, enter the following information:
To: SafeMoon
Amount: 1 BNB
Description: Send BNB to SafeMoon
Click OK to send the BNB to SafeMoon.

How to convert BNB to SafeMoon on Trust Wallet
1. Visit the Trust Wallet website and sign up for a free account.
2. Click on the "Convert" button in the top right corner of the homepage.
3. Enter the amount of BNB you want to convert into SafeMoon and click on the "Convert" button.
4. SafeMoon will be displayed as your newly converted currency.
How to change BNB to SafeMoon on Trust Wallet
On Trust Wallet, go to the "Send" tab and select "Binance" from the list of exchanges. On the Binance screen, under the "Amount" field, enter 1 in the "Bitcoin Amount" field and click "Send". On the "Confirmation" screen, click "Submit".
On SafeMoon, go to the "Send" tab and select "Binance" from the list of exchanges. On the Binance screen, under the "Amount" field, enter 1 in the "Bitcoin Amount" field and click "Send". On the "Confirmation" screen, click "Submit".
How to buy SafeMoon with BNB on Trust Wallet
1. Go to and create a new account.
2. Click on the ‘Add Wallet’ button on the left side of the screen.
3. Click on the ‘Import Bitcoin Wallet’ button on the right side of the screen.
4. Select ‘SafeMoon’ from the list of wallets that will be imported.
5. Enter your BNB address into the ‘Send’ field and click on the ‘Connect’ button.
6. You will now be asked to confirm your transaction. Click on the ‘Confirm’ button and your SafeMoon wallet will be added to your account.

How to get SafeMoon using BNB on Trust Wallet
1. On the Trust Wallet home screen, tap Add New Wallet.
2. On the Add New Wallet screen, enter SafeMoon in the Name field.
3. Tap Continue.
4. On the Add New Wallet screen, tap Create a Security Profile.
5. On the Create a Security Profile screen, tap Enable 2-Factor Authentication.
6. On the Enable 2-Factor Authentication screen, enter your SafeMoon account password in the Password field and tap Next.
7. On the Enable 2-Factor Authentication screen, enter your BNB account password in the BNB Account Password field and tap Next.
8. On the Enable 2-Factor Authentication screen, select Use a Trusted Third Party and enter SafeMoon in the Service Name field.
9. Tap Next.
10. On the Enable 2-Factor Authentication screen, tap Finish.
11. On the Add New Wallet screen, tap Done.