How to change BNB to ETH on Trust Wallet?
If you have BNB and want to convert it to ETH, you can do so using Trust Wallet. First, open your Trust Wallet and go to the "Assets" page. Then, find the "BNB" token and click on the "Send" button. Next, enter the amount of BNB you want to convert, and then select "ETH" as the receiving address. Finally, click on the "Send" button to complete the transaction.
How to change BNB to ETH on Trust Wallet
1. Open Trust Wallet and click on the "Accounts" tab.
2. On the Accounts tab, click on the "Send" button.
3. On the "Send" button, enter the BNB address you would like to convert to ETH and click on the "Next" button.
4. On the "Convert BNB to ETH" window, you will need to provide your BNB address and the amount of ETH you would like to convert.
5. Click on the "Convert" button and wait for the conversion to complete.
How to convert BNB to ETH on Trust Wallet
To convert BNB to ETH on Trust Wallet, follow these steps:
1. Open the Trust Wallet app.
2. Tap on the three lines in the top left corner of the app window.
3. Under "Accounts & Funds," tap on "Convert."
4. On the "Convert" page, select the "BNB" option and enter the amount of BNB you want to convert.
5. Tap on the "Convert" button to complete the conversion.

How to exchange BNB for ETH on Trust Wallet
To exchange BNB for ETH on the Trust Wallet, follow these steps:
1. Open the Trust Wallet and click on the "Exchange" button located in the top left corner of the screen.
2. On the Exchange page, select the "BNB/ETH" exchange pair and enter the amount of BNB you want to exchange for ETH.
3. Click on the "Exchange" button to complete the transaction.
How to trade BNB for ETH on Trust Wallet
1. On the home screen of Trust Wallet, locate the "Exchanges" tab and select "Binance Exchange".
2. On the Binance Exchange page, locate the "ETH-BNB" trading pair and click on it.
3. On the BNB-ETH trading pair page, you will be able to see the current trade volume, buy and sell orders, and the ETH/BNB price.
4. To place a BNB order, first find the "Buy" button and enter the amount of BNB you want to buy. Then, locate the "Price" field and enter the amount of ETH you want to buy at that price. Finally, locate the "Bid" and "Ask" fields and enter the corresponding prices. Click on the "BUY" button to complete your order.
5. To sell BNB, first find the "Sell" button and enter the amount of BNB you want to sell. Then, locate the "Price" field and enter the amount of ETH you want to sell at that price. Finally, locate the "Bid" and "Ask" fields and enter the corresponding prices. Click on the "SELL" button to complete your order.
How to swap BNB for ETH on Trust Wallet
1. Open the Trust Wallet app and sign in.
2. On the main menu, click on “Swap currencies”.
3. Select BNB from the list of available currencies and click on the “Swap” button.
4. Enter the amount of ETH you want to swap and click on the “Swap” button.
5. Your BNB will be exchanged for ETH and the funds will be deposited into your account.

How to transfer BNB to ETH on Trust Wallet
1. On the Trust Wallet home screen, tap the three lines in the top left corner.
2. In the "Your Accounts" section, tap "BNB."
3. On the BNB account overview screen, tap the "Send" button.
4. Enter your ETH address and click "Send."
5. After your transfer is complete, you'll see a message on the BNB account overview screen.