Exodus Wallet Deposit
If you're looking to store your Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies securely, the Exodus wallet is a great option. In this article, we'll show you how to make a deposit into your Exodus wallet.
How to Deposit Money Into Your Exodus Wallet
To deposit money into your Exodus wallet, first open the Exodus wallet and click on the "Deposit" button located in the top right corner of the main screen.
Next, type in the amount of money you want to deposit and click on the "Submit" button.
Your money will be deposited into your Exodus wallet within minutes.
How to Add Funds to Your Exodus Wallet
To add funds to your Exodus wallet, you will first need to open a new account at one of the supported exchanges. Once you have an account open, you will need to navigate to the deposit section and select the currency you wish to deposit. After selecting the currency, you will need to input the amount you wish to deposit and select the appropriate payment method. Finally, you will need to click submit and your funds will be transferred into your Exodus wallet.

How to Top Up Your Exodus Wallet
To top up your Exodus wallet, go to the "Exodus wallet" page and click on the "Withdraw" button. Enter the amount you wish to withdraw and hit the "Withdraw" button.
How to Refill Your Exodus Wallet
There are a few ways to refill your Exodus wallet.
1. Go to www.exodus.io and sign in.
2. Click on the "Refill Wallet" button in the upper right corner of the main page.
3. Enter your Exodus wallet address and select the amount of Ethereum or Bitcoin you would like to send.
4. Click on the "Refill Now" button to send your funds.

How to Put Money Into Your Exodus Wallet
To put money into your Exodus wallet, go to the "Exodus Desktop Wallet" section of the website and click on "Send/Receive". On the "Send" page, you will need to enter the amount of bitcoin you want to send and the recipient's bitcoin address. Next, you will need to select the "Create new address" option and enter the recipient's bitcoin address into the "Address" field. Finally, you will need to select the "Compose message" option and enter your message.
How to Fill Your Exodus Wallet
When you first start using Exodus, it will ask you to create a new wallet. If you have an existing Exodus wallet, you can skip this step.
1. Open Exodus.
2. Click on the wallet button in the top left corner.
3. Select "Create a new wallet."
4. Enter a name for your wallet and click Create.
5. Your Exodus wallet is now ready to use!