Transferring Safemoon from Bitmart to Trust Wallet
If you're looking to transfer your Safemoon tokens from Bitmart to Trust Wallet, here's a quick guide on how to do it. First, open your Bitmart account and go to the " Assets" page. Next, find Safemoon in the list of supported assets and click on the " Withdraw" button. Enter the amount of Safemoon you want to transfer and confirm the transaction. Finally, open your Trust Wallet and go to the " Add Token" page. Enter the contract address for Safemoon (0x8076c74c5e3f5852037f31ff0093eeb8c8add4b3) and the amount of Safemoon you want to add. Once the transaction is confirmed, your Safemoon tokens will be available in your Trust Wallet.
# How to Transfer Safemoon From Bitmart to Trust Wallet
1. Log into your Bitmart account.
2. Click on the account settings tab.
3. Under "General Settings," click on the "Safemoon" tab.
4. Under "Safemoon Settings," click on the "Withdraw" button.
5. Enter your Safemoon address and wallet address into the appropriate fields, and click on the "Withdraw" button.
6. You will now be prompted to confirm your withdrawal. Click on the "Confirm Withdraw" button.
# Steps to Follow When Moving Safemoon From Bitmart to Trust Wallet
1. Install the Trust Wallet on your computer.
2. Go to the Safemoon tab on the Trust Wallet and click on the "Export" button.
3. In the "Export Safemoon" window, paste the following information into the text field and click on the "OK" button:
1) Your Safemoon username
2) Your Safemoon password
3) The Bitmart address where your Safemoon coins are currently held
4) The Trust Wallet address where you want your Safemoon coins to be sent
5) The amount of Safemoon coins you want to move
6. Click on the "Export" button to finish exporting your Safemoon coins.
7. Once the export process is complete, open the "Deposit" tab on the Trust Wallet and click on the "New Deposit" button.
8. In the "New Deposit" window, paste the following information into the text field and click on the "OK" button:
1) Your Trust Wallet address
2) The Bitmart address where your Safemoon coins are currently held
3) The amount of Safemoon coins you want to move
9. Click on the "Deposit" button to finish depositing your Safemoon coins into the Trust Wallet.
# Guidelines for Transfering Safemoon From Bitmart to Trust Wallet
1. Go to Bitmart and create an account.
2. Click on the "Account" link in the top navigation bar.
3. On the "Account Info" page, click on the "Withdraw" link next to Safemoon.
4. Enter your Bitmart account password in the "Password" field and click on the "Withdraw" button.
5. On the "Withdraw Funds" page, click on the "Trust Wallet" link.
6. Enter your Trust Wallet account password in the "Password" field and click on the "Withdraw" button.
7. Your Safemoon will be transferred to your Trust Wallet account within a few minutes.
![# What You Need to Know About](/images/9682/transferring-safemoon-from-bitmart-to-tr0.jpg)
# What You Need to Know About Transfering Safemoon From Bitmart to Trust Wallet
1. When you transfer Safemoon from Bitmart to Trust Wallet, you will be required to provide your Bitmart account number and email address.
2. After transferring Safemoon from Bitmart to Trust Wallet, you will be able to see your Safemoon balance and transactions in Trust Wallet.
3. To withdraw Safemoon from Trust Wallet, you will need to provide your Bitmart account number and email address.
# Important Information Regarding the Transfer of Safemoon From Bitmart to Trust Wallet
Please note that Safemoon will be transferred from Bitmart to Trust Wallet on October 1st, 2018.
We highly recommend that you create a new wallet address for Safemoon prior to the transfer, as this will make the process easier and faster.
Please visit our Trust Wallet page for more information on how to create a new wallet address.
# Tips for Successfully Transfering Safemoon From Bitmart to Trust Wallet
1. Make sure that you have the latest version of the Bitmart and Trust Wallet apps installed on your device.
2. Log in to and click on the "Account" tab.
3. Under "My Account", click on the "Safemoon" button.
4. On the "Safemoon" screen, click on the "Transfers" button.
5. On the "Transfers" screen, under "My Safemoon", click on the "Withdraw" button.
6. On the "Withdraw" screen, enter the amount of Safemoon that you want to transfer into your Trust Wallet account.
7. Click on the "Withdraw" button to initiate the transfer.
8. Once the transfer is complete, you will be redirected back to the "Safemoon" screen.
9. Under "My Safemoon", you will now see the balance of your transferred Safemoon balance in your Trust Wallet account.
![# Frequently Asked Questions A](/images/9682/transferring-safemoon-from-bitmart-to-tr6.jpg)
# Frequently Asked Questions About Transfering Safemoon From Bitmart to Trust Wallet
1. What is Safemoon?
Safemoon is a digital asset management platform that allows users to securely store, manage, and trade cryptocurrencies and other digital assets.
2. How do I transfer Safemoon from Bitmart to Trust Wallet?
To transfer Safemoon from Bitmart to Trust Wallet, follow these steps:
a. On Bitmart, click the "Accounts" tab and then click the "Transfers" button.
b. On Trust Wallet, click the "Wallets" tab and then click the "Safemoon" button.
c. On both platforms, select the Safemoon account that you want to transfer Safemoon to and then click the "Transfer" button.
3. How do I confirm the transfer of Safemoon from Bitmart to Trust Wallet?
Once the transfer of Safemoon is complete, you will be notified on both platforms. You can also check the status of the transfer by clicking the "Transfers" button on Bitmart and the "Wallets" tab on Trust Wallet.