Trade BNB for ETH in Trust Wallet.
Trust Wallet is a mobile cryptocurrency wallet that supports Ethereum and ERC20 tokens. Binance Coin (BNB) is an ERC20 token that can be traded on the Trust Wallet platform.
How to trade BNB for ETH on Trust Wallet
1. Go to the "Trade" tab on your Trust Wallet account and select the "ETH/BNB" pair from the list of options.
2. Enter the amount of BNB you want to trade for ETH in the box on the left and the amount of ETH you want to trade for BNB in the box on the right.
3. Click the "Exchange" button and wait for the exchange to complete.
Trading BNB for ETH on Trust Wallet
If you want to trade BNB for ETH on Trust Wallet, you will first need to create an account. After you have created an account, you can then start trading BNB for ETH.
To start trading BNB for ETH, you will first need to find the BNB/ETH trading pair on the Trust Wallet platform. You can find the BNB/ETH trading pair by clicking on the “TRADING PORTALS” tab and then clicking on the “BTC & ETH” button.
After you have found the BNB/ETH trading pair, you will need to enter the amount of BNB that you want to trade for ETH. You can enter the amount of BNB that you want to trade by clicking on the “TRADE” button and then clicking on the “BUY” button.
After you have entered the amount of BNB that you want to trade for ETH, you will need to click on the “TRADE” button to begin the trade. After you have completed the trade, you will need to click on the “CONFIRM” button to confirm the trade.
How to trade cryptocurrencies on Trust Wallet
1. Navigate to the "Trades" tab in the app.
2. Select the cryptocurrency you want to trade and click on the "Buy" button.
3. Enter the amount of cryptocurrency you want to buy and click on the "Buy Now" button.
4. Open the "My Orders" tab and click on the "View Details" button for your purchase.
5. Click on the "Change" button next to the "Exchange" field and select a different cryptocurrency exchange.
6. Enter the amount of cryptocurrency you want to sell and click on the "Sell Now" button.
7. Open the "My Orders" tab and click on the "View Details" button for your sale.
8. Click on the "Change" button next to the "Exchange" field and select a different cryptocurrency exchange.
9. Click on the "Submit" button to complete the trade.
![Trading BNB and ETH on Trust W](/images/4160/trade-bnb-for-eth-trust-wallet20.jpg)
Trading BNB and ETH on Trust Wallet
To trade BNB and ETH on the Trust Wallet, first open the app and click the three lines in the top left corner. Then, select "coins" from the menu on the left.
Next, select BNB from the list of coins on the left, and ETH from the list of coins on the right. To find the price of BNB and ETH, click on the "coin prices" button next to each coin.
To buy BNB or ETH, enter the amount you want to buy into the "buy" field, and the address you want to send the coins to into the "sell" field. To sell BNB or ETH, enter the amount you want to sell into the "sell" field, and the address you want to send the coins to into the "sell" field.
Click on "sell" to confirm your sale, and then click on "buy" to confirm your purchase.
How to use Trust Wallet to trade BNB for ETH
To use Trust Wallet to trade BNB for ETH, first open the app and create an account. Next, search for the BNB/ETH pair and click on it. On the trading screen, enter the amount of BNB you want to trade and the amount of ETH you want to trade for. Click on the “buy” button and wait for the transaction to be completed.
![Trading BNB and ETH via Trust](/images/4160/trade-bnb-for-eth-trust-wallet0.jpg)
Trading BNB and ETH via Trust Wallet
If you are looking to trade BNB and ETH using the Trust Wallet, you will need to first open a new account. After you have opened your account, you can then start trading by following these steps:
1. From the main screen of the Trust Wallet, click on the "Trading" tab.
2. In the "Active Markets" section, you will see BNB and ETH listed. Select BNB from the list and ETH from the list below it.
3. On the "Order Book" screen, you will see the current price of BNB and ETH. You can place orders by clicking on the "Buy" or "Sell" buttons.
4. When you have placed your order, the "Status" button will change to "Pending". The order will then be filled at the current market price.
Using Trust Wallet to trade BNB for ETH
To trade BNB for ETH on Trust Wallet, open the app and click on the three lines in the top left corner. On the menu that pops up, select Trades.
On the Trades page, click on the BNB/ETH trade pair. On the trade screen, enter the amount of ETH you want to trade and select the BNB/ETH trade option.
To complete the trade, click on the Buy BNB button. The app will then transfer the required amount of BNB to your Ethereum wallet.