Add Polygon Mainnet To Metamask

If you're a fan of the Ethereum blockchain, you're probably using Metamask. Metamask is a browser extension that allows you to interact with decentralized applications (dapps) and use Ethereum's decentralized network. Recently, the team behind Metamask announced that they've added support for Polygon (formerly Matic Network). This means that you can now use Metamask to access Polygon dapps and use the Polygon network. If you're not familiar with Polygon, it's a layer-2 solution that uses Plasma to scale the Ethereum blockchain. This makes it possible to process a large number of transactions quickly and cheaply. With the addition of Polygon support, Metamask is now one of the easiest ways to use the Ethereum blockchain.

How to Add Polygon Mainnet to MetaMask

There are multiple ways to add a Polygon mainnet to MetaMask.

The first way is to open the MetaMask extension on your browser, click on the "Add a Token" button, and paste in the Polygon token address.

The second way is to add Polygon to your MetaMask extension's "Addresses" section. To do this, click on the "Addresses" tab, copy the Polygon token address, and paste it into the MetaMask extension.

The third way is to add Polygon to your MetaMask extension's "Token Balances" section. To do this, click on the "Token Balances" tab, copy the Polygon token address, and paste it into the MetaMask extension.

Adding Polygon Mainnet to MetaMask

To use Polygon Mainnet with MetaMask, you will first need to create an account on MetaMask and add the Polygon Mainnet blockchain extension.

After adding the extension, open MetaMask and click on the three lines in the top left corner of the window.

On the right side of the window, select "Add New Account."

Enter the following information into the "Account Name" field and click "Create Account."

Next, open MetaMask and click on the three lines in the top left corner of the window.

On the right side of the window, select "Custom Token."

Enter "Polygon Mainnet" into the "Token Name" field and click "Create Custom Token."

Copy the "JSON Web Token" that is displayed and save it to your computer.

Next, open MetaMask and click on the three lines in the top left corner of the window.

On the right side of the window, select "Settings."

Under "Extensions," select "Polygon Mainnet."

Click on the "Metamask Settings" button and paste the JSON Web Token that you saved from your computer into the "Access Token" field.

Click on the "Metamask Settings" button and paste the Ethereum address that you used to purchase Polygon Mainnet tokens into the "Token Contract Address" field.

Click on the "OK" button to save your changes.

How to connect MetaMask to Polygon Mainnet

To connect MetaMask to Polygon Mainnet, follow these steps:

1. Open MetaMask and click on the three lines in the top right corner.

2. In the "Add New Wallet" window, click on the "Import Address" button.

3. Copy the address of the Polygon Mainnet blockchain node you would like to connect to.

4. Paste the address into the "Address" field in the "Add New Wallet" window.

5. Click on the "Connect" button.

6. You will now be connected to the Polygon Mainnet blockchain node.

Connecting MetaMask to Polygon Mainnet

To connect your MetaMask account to Polygon Mainnet, follow these steps:

1. Open MetaMask and click on the three lines in the top left corner.

2. Select "Settings" from the menu that pops up.

3. Under the "Connections" tab, click on the "Connect to a network" button.

4. Enter the following information into the "Server" field:


5. Click on the "Connect" button.

6. You will now be connected to the Polygon Mainnet!

Accessing Polygon Mainnet through MetaMask

MetaMask is a web browser extension that allows you to access your Polygon account through a secure browser window.

To use MetaMask:

1. Open the web browser of your choice.

2. Click the three lines in the top right corner of the browser window.

3. Click "Add New Account."

4. Enter your desired Username and Password.

5. Click "Create Account."

6. You will be taken to the MetaMask web page.

7. Click on the "Enroll in Polygon" button.

8. You will be asked to confirm your enrollment by clicking on the "Confirm" button.

9. After you have enrolled, you will be redirected back to the MetaMask web page.

10. Click on the "Reload" button in the top right corner of the MetaMask web page.

11. You will now be able to access your Polygon account through the MetaMask web page.

Using MetaMask with Polygon Mainnet

MetaMask is a browser extension that allows you to access Ethereum and other decentralized applications (dApps) on the web. To use MetaMask with Polygon Mainnet, first install MetaMask.

Next, open MetaMask and click on the three lines in the top left corner. This will open the Addresses section.

Click on the + button in the top right corner of the Address field and input the following information:

1. Polygon Mainnet:

2. Ethereum account name: 0xddf4bcec9e986b1769cda2f7a519d026660aebbae

3. Ethereum account address: 0x1f4d69e0779aafd3fcdcde9af3e08bfa27b320a61

Finally, click on the blue Save button in the top right corner of the Address field.

Now that you have added your Polygon Mainnet address and Ethereum account name, you can start using MetaMask to access your Polygon Mainnet account and dApps.

To do this, first open MetaMask and click on the three lines in the top left corner. This will open the Addresses section.

Click on the + button in the top right corner of the Address field and input the following information:

1. Your Polygon Mainnet address:

2. Your Ethereum account name: 0xddf4bcec9e986b1769cda2f7a519d026660aebbae

3. Your Ethereum account address: 0x1f4d69e0779aafd3fcdcde9af3e08bfa27b320a61

Finally, click on the blue Save button in the top right corner of the Address field.

Now that you have added your Polygon Mainnet address and Ethereum account name, you can start using MetaMask to access your Polygon Mainnet account and dApps.

To do this, first open MetaMask and click on the three lines in the top left corner. This will open the Addresses section.

Click on the + button in the top right corner of the Address field and input the following information:

1. Your Polygon Mainnet address:

2. Your Ethereum account name: 0xddf4bcec9e986b1769cda2f7a519d026660aebbae

3. Your Ethereum account address: 0x1f4d69e0779aafd3fcdcde9af3e08bfa27b320a61

Finally, click on the blue Save button in the top right corner of the Address field.

Configuring MetaMask for Polygon Mainnet

To use MetaMask with Polygon, follow these steps:

1. Sign up for a MetaMask account.

2. Install the MetaMask extension for your web browser.

3. Open the MetaMask extension and click on the “Add a custom token” button.

4. In the “Custom token” window, enter the following details:

• Name: Polygon

• Address: 0x14b4d0e2c5e7f8384b5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5b0

• Token type: ERC20

5. Click on the “Create” button to create the token.

6. Click on the MetaMask icon in the upper right corner of the window to open the MetaMask extension.

7. Enter the address of the Polygon wallet: 0x14b4d0e2c5e7f8384b5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5b0

8. Click on the “Import” button to import the token into the MetaMask extension.

9. Click on the “Close” button to close the MetaMask extension.

10. Click on the “OK” button to confirm that you have set up MetaMask for Polygon.

How to configure MetaMask for Polygon Mainnet

To use Polygon Mainnet with MetaMask, you need to first install and configure the MetaMask extension.

1. Open MetaMask and click on the three lines in the top left corner.

2. On the extensions page, select the "Add extension" button and search for "Polygon."

3. Once you've found the Polygon extension, click on it to open the extension settings.

4. In the extension settings, click on the "Configure" button to open the Polygon configuration window.

5. In the configuration window, you'll need to input your Polygon account information. You can find this information on the Polygon homepage or by using the Polygon account key displayed in the extension settings.

6. Next, you'll need to set up your wallet address. This is where you will send your MetaMask tokens. You can find your wallet address by clicking on the "Settings" button in the Polygon configuration window and then clicking on the "Wallet" tab.

7. Finally, you'll need to set up your permissions. This determines which actions you are allowed to take with your MetaMask account. You can find your permissions by clicking on the "Settings" button in the Polygon configuration window and then clicking on the "Permissions" tab.

8. Click on the "Save changes" button to finish setting up your Polygon account and MetaMask extension.

Adding Polygon Mainnet to your MetaMask wallet

Open MetaMask and click on the three lines in the top left corner. Select “Settings” and then “Add a custom token.”

Type in “Polygon” and press Enter.

Select the “Polygon (mainnet)” token from the list and press Save.

Your MetaMask wallet should now have the Polygon (mainnet) token listed.

Using your MetaMask wallet with Polygon Mainnet

If you have MetaMask installed, you can use it to access Polygon Mainnet.

1. Open your MetaMask wallet.

2. Click the 3 lines in the top left corner of the screen.

3. Select "Add a custom token."

4. Enter "POLYGON" into the "Token name" field and click "Add."

5. Copy the "Access token" and "Secret token" values and paste them into the "Token info" fields on Polygon's main account page.

6. Click "Create account."

7. You'll be redirected to Polygon's main account page. Click the "Log in" button to log in.

8. You'll be asked to verify your identity. Click the "Log in" button to continue.

9. You'll be redirected to your personal dashboard. Click the "Bills" tab to view your polygon balance and transactions.

How to access Polygon Mainnet with your MetaMask wallet

1. Open your MetaMask wallet and click on the three lines in the top right corner.

2. On the left side of the window, select “Settings”.

3. On the Settings page, under “Advanced”, click on “Connections”.

4. On the Connections page, click on the “+” icon next to the Polygon logo.

5. On the Polygon Mainnet connection page, enter your Polygon account details and click “connect”.

6. You will now be connected to the Polygon network and can begin trading tokens!

Accessing Polygon Mainnet with your MetaMask wallet

To access the Polygon mainnet, you will need to use your MetaMask wallet.

1. Open your MetaMask wallet

2. Click on the 3 horizontal lines in the top left corner of the window

3. In the "Addresses" tab, click on the "+" button next to "Polygon"

4. Copy the Polygon address

5. Click on the "View transactions" tab in the MetaMask wallet

6. Click on the "Polygon" transaction to view details

7. Click on the "Send" button to send Polygon tokens to the Polygon address you copied in step 4

Comments (6):

Robert Thomas
Robert Thomas
This is great news! I'm excited to be able to use Metamask to access Polygon dapps and use the Ethereum blockchain.
Jacob Williams
Jacob Williams
This is great news! I'm excited to be able to use Metamask to access Polygon dapps and use the Polygon network.
This is great news! I'm excited to be able to use Metamask to access Polygon dapps and use the Ethereum network.
This is great news! I'm excited to be able to use Metamask to access Polygon dapps.
William Murphy
William Murphy
This is great news! I'm excited to be able to use Metamask to access Polygon dapps and use the Ethereum blockchain.
This is great news! I'm excited to be able to use Metamask to access Polygon dapps and use the Plasma network.

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